Open the site you want to hack. Provide wrong
username and wrong password combination in its log in form. (e.g. :
Username : me and Password: ' or 1=1 --) An error will occur saying
wrong username and wrong password. Now be prepared because your
experiment starts from here.
Right click anywhere on that error page =>> go to view source.
View the source code. There you can see the HTML
coding with JavaScript.• There you find something like this....<_form
action="...Login....">• Before this login information copy the URL
of the site in which you are. (e.g. :"< _form..........action=>")
Delete the JavaScript from the above that validates your information in the server.
Do this very carefully.—Your success in hacking the site depends upon
how efficiently you delete the java script code that validates your
account information.
Take a close look for "<_input name="password"
type="password">"[without quotes] -> replace
"<_type=password>" with "<_type=text>". See there if maximum length of password is less than 11 then increase it to 11 (e.g. : if then write